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Vehicle Wrap Templates for Ford Cube Vans

Cube Vans are one of the most common and effective means of transporting large and numerous amounts of goods for companies.  Ford lends their front-end cab to many different variants of cube vans that serve a variety of different purposes. 

Ford Cube Van Templates

There are many different types of cube van configurations, but the common link among them is type of cab used.  Ford Cube Vans will either have the older model E-Series Cab, or the new Transit Van Cab. 

The attached cubes and boxes can range anywhere from 12' to 28' in length.  Additionally, the cubes/boxes can have hinged doors, roll-up doors, metal bars, rivets, flat panels, and many other variables that you'll need to account for when designing your cube van wraps. 

Cube vans are arguably the best mobile advertising platform, providing a large, flat, canvas to design marketing, branding, and promotional information onto.  Now we’ll show you where to find digital templates for Ford Cube Van Templates. 


Pro Vehicle Outlines

Pro Vehicle Outlines offers ten different wireframe templates for Ford Cube Vans.

Ford Cube Van Vehicle Wrap TemplateAll of their templates are built around the older model E-Series cab, with a variety of different box lengths ranging from 14' to 26'.  Pro Vehicle Outline templates are digitally drawn images, scaled down and accurately measured to the dimensions of the vehicle. Their templates include the sides, front, and rear views of the vehicles. Pro Vehicle Outline templates are one of the best values for sign shops, vehicle wrappers, and wrap designers.

They offer a yearly subscription to over 10,000 templates for $400 - $500 a year on their website - Pro Vehicle Outlines.


Art Station Vehicle TemplatesFord Transit Wrap Template

Art Station Vehicle Templates does not currently offer any templates for Ford Cube Vans.  However, their templates for the Ford E-Series and Transit Vans can be used to design the cube van cab. 

They offer a yearly subscription to their templates for $299, or individual templates can be purchased for $30 on their website - Art Station Vehicle Templates.


The Bad Wrap

Ford Transit Design Wrap TemplateThe Bad Wrap currently does not offer any templates for Ford Cube Vans.  Like Art Station, their templates for the Ford E-Series and Transit Vans can be used to help design the cab graphics for your cube van. 

A digital copy of each template sells for $29.99 on their website - The Bad Wrap.


Sunrise Signs PRO TIP

A popular emerging "cube" design with a over-cab curved air deflector is being offered by companies like Unicell and Spartan.  These rounded air dams can be difficult to design and install, as they offer few flat areas and many curves.  Accurate templates are hard to find for these air deflectors.  Due to this, we would always recommend getting your own measurements and reference photos when designing for these types of cubes. 


Let Us Take the Load Off - Sunrise Vehicle Wrap Trade Printing

We know how hectic it can get. Let us make your life easier by helping out with our wholesale printing services. We know vehicle wraps, we know the industry, and we know we can make your life a lot easier. We offer a variety of materials and quick turnarounds that can help keep you on target and save you time!

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