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Vehicle Wrap Templates for Dodge Ram Pickup Trucks

Dodge Ram Pickup Truck Wrap OutlineLast year the Dodge Ram was the 3rd best selling pickup truck in America.  Which is no surprise given how many Ram trucks are out on the roads.  Known for heavy-duty towing and hauling, Dodge Ram trucks are a favourite among hardscapes, construction crews, and other fleet-based businesses. 

Like other pickup truck brands, Dodge Ram offers an extremely wide variety of different vehicles types. Engine and body size differs between 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, and 5500 models.  Their cabs are available in regular, crew, and quad configurations.  The truck beds can either be purchased in a short 6' length or a longer 8' size.  For companies that need to do the heavy lifting, they do it with Dodge Ram pickup trucks.

The Dodge Ram 1500, 2500, and 3500 are some of the most common pickup trucks on the road, which means an endless amount of vehicle wrap branding and marketing opportunities.  With so many different versions of these vehicles, vehicle wrap templates can help you make consistent layouts and accurately scaled graphic designs.

Now we’ll show you where to find digital templates for Dodge Ram Pickup Trucks. 


Dodge Ram Outlines

Dodge Ram Outlines has over 500 different wireframe templates for Dodge Ram 1500, 2500, and 3500, 4500, and 5500 Pickup Trucks.
Ram pickup 1500 2500 3500 vehicle templates

Their templates range from model years 1982-2018 and have versions that include all the different configurations of cab sizes and bed lengths.

Pro Vehicle Outline templates are digitally drawn images, scaled-down and accurately measured to the dimensions of the vehicle. Their templates include the top, sides, front, and rear views of the vehicles. Pro Vehicle Outline templates are one of the best values for sign shops, vehicle wrappers, and wrap designers.

They offer a yearly subscription to over 10,000 templates for $400 - $500 a year on their website, Pro Vehicle Outlines


Art Station Vehicle TemplatesDodge Ram Pickup Trucks Templates

Art Station Vehicle Templates offers hundreds of vehicle wrap templates for the Dodge Ram 1500, 2500, and 3500 pickup trucks.

Their templates range from model years 2002 - 2018 and have versions that include all the different configurations of cab sizes and bed lengths. Art Station templates are wireframe drawings that are accurately scaled to the dimensions of the vehicle.

They offer a yearly subscription to their templates for $299, or individual templates can be purchased for $30 on their website, Art Station Vehicle Templates


The Bad Wrap

Ram 1500 Vehicle Wrap TemplatesThe Bad Wrap offers hundreds of vehicle wrap templates for the Dodge Ram 1500, 2500, and 3500 pickup trucks.

Their templates range from model years 2000-2018 and have versions that include all the different configurations of cab sizes and bed lengths. 

Each template is built off a professionally photographed image and is scaled to make designing and printing easy. The wrap template includes the top, sides, front, and rear views of the vehicle.  The Bad Wrap templates are one of the best choices for presenting real-to-life proofs and mock-ups for your customers.

A digital copy of each template sells for $29.99 on their website, The Bad Wrap

Sunrise Signs PRO TIP

When designing trucks with a dual configuration (doubled up rear tires), try to avoid putting text or detailed images over the fender flares.  The sharper angles and extra depth of the fenders will stretch out text and images, which may not seem apparent when designing on a vehicle wrap template.  When in doubt, it's always best to get some extra reference measurements for the vehicle itself.


Let Us Take the Load Off - Sunrise Dodge Ram Wrap Trade Printing

We know how hectic it can get. Let us make your life easier by helping out with our wholesale printing services. We know vehicle wraps, we know the industry, and we know we can make your life a lot easier. We offer a variety of materials and quick turnarounds that can help keep you on target and save you time!

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